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 eBay on Campus

Member messaging

Role: UI/UX Designer

Contributors: Lead Product Designer, Design Manager, Engineers, Interns, Product Managers.

Timeline:  3/2020-11/2020

Define Problem


Students need a way to coordinate a transaction to sell and buy items on campus.


Create an area for students to conveniently coordinate meetup plans for a transaction. Give students control over their sales and purchases. 


Consider students’ safety a top priority. Amplify safety features, suggest popular meetup locations on campus, educate and remind. 


Create a solution for students to complete transactions in person using QR code.


Feature would eventually be used in the core eBay app, will need to scale and be applicable to all eBay users using secure local pickup.




Current Landscape

Observations of similar messaging features helped in understanding the landscape. However, no solution currently existed with all of the features required for this interaction point.


WhatsApp served as a great point of contact for a map feature built into the messaging screen. 


DePop served as a great point to refer to for back and forth messaging between users, especially geared towards Gen-Z.






Student Interviews

As a part of this feature buildout, the intern's from the TCU campus provided important insight and feedback we needed from the Gen-Z audience.


In addition, insights from the UX research team helped illuminate the needs of core eBay users.


Existing Feature Research

Looking into both UX and Visual design details found in similar member dashboards. This revealed responsive details to be mindful of while approaching the design of the progress bar feature.

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image 3.png
image 6.png


Potential Solutions

Phase 1 Requirements


Phase 2 Requirements

Members would have the ability to see their plan selection as well as self-select changing their plan type.

MP - PaymentLanding (7).png
Mobile - PAYMENTS-02 (5).png

Phase 3 Requirements 

Design a timeline chart of users payments that includes an indication where a user is in their plan.

  • What's the emotional response from users around seeing large amounts of $$$ represented?

  • Would a user prefer seeing how much $$ they've paid off vs. much they owe?

  • What is the best data point to reflect the user journey?

    • % of total paid? Months left?

  • What's the best way to visualize payment progress? 

    • Bar, tube, donut, teardrop?​

User Considerations


Some ways I explored the progress display included a status tracker with notifications and a donut chart showing proportional amounts paid.

sketch 3.jpg
sketch 2.jpg
sketch 1.jpg

WIP Prototypes

Mobile - PAYMENTS-02 (2).png
Mobile - PAYMENTS-02.png
Mobile - PAYMENTS-02 (3).png


Final Thoughts


This project was cut off due to the company shutting down. In my spare time, I'm chipping away at what the best final solution would look like.

Design for Scale

Visualizing data could take so many different forms. Getting different ideas came from close collaboration and discussions with my fellow designers and engineers. I liked exploring a solution for progress display that would work best in mobile and directly communicate status.


Point of contact sales . QR code

End to End Experience 

Seller and Buyer experience, similar but different.

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